Monday, 2 June 2014

Sunday, 15 December 2013

AS Media Studies Evaluation

This week - both inside our Media lessons but also for homework - we will be focusing on our Evaluations for this project: This is worth 20% of the marks - the same as your research and planning! - so it is very important that you do a good job :-)

It is important that your answers to the 7 evaluation questions are not just essays presented digitally. It is vital that you use at least a couple of web 2.0 tools to help you.
1. Slideshare - For publishing powerpoints that you can upload to your Blogs
2. YouTube - For publishing videos that you can upload to your Blogs
3. Voki - For creating audio files that are "spoken" by an animated cartoon character
4. Flickr - For uploading pictures that you can "tag" with comments
5. Prezi - For interactive presentations that can have videos embedded within them
6. Padlet - A "post it note" style wall of ideas and comments
7. Screencast-O-Matic - Record what you are doing on screen and then publish to YouTube ... and then put on your Blog.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Final pieces - who has posted?

Click the pic to see whether I have ticked off what you have submitted so far by last night's deadline. If it's red, get it sorted!!

Late submissions:
Ben Edwards
Brad Chick
Alex Brandwood - Need Front Cover and Contents

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Remember your double spread spread article!

Remember you are going to have to come up with an article for your double page spread so it might be worth having a look now at some articles - you are going to need 600-900 words depending on your layout. Different magazines have different formats of how they structure their articles and some have more "page furniture" visible.

I have been playing about with InDesign to remind myself of how to do some bits. This is by no means amazing but here's a Daughter double page spread. I used an interview on a website on the net and a pic from Google so I cheated majorly but just to show you the thought that needs to go into it.

I have a set font system.
Coolvetica Caps for section heading
Moms Typewriter for main pull quote that acts as a headline going across.
Gills MT for Standfirsts

Also, I thought that the pic I used would do the job but in practice, as you can see, the white can get lost among the white spots of her shirt, so not ideal. You may encounter similar problems that you may not have anticipated so be prepared for any eventuality! I have also committed a fatal error of attempting a strap across both pages to break up the text on the right hand page but have not spaced for the gutter. #schoolboyerror #rushjob

My Weezer DPS example (rough)

The cut out effect went a bit wrong but you can see I grabbed the colour from the album cover using the dropper tool and then used this for the bars at the top and for the album review box
The cut out effect looks better below though.. to find out how to do this, look at the previous post about it.

InDesign secrets: The Rough Cut Effect

Click below the cut for a little tip of what you could do in InDesign - this is the rough cut effect and shows how you can create it so that your cut out pictures can look as if they have been cut out and stuck on by hand.

a nice idea for double page spreads - View From Twitter

To break up wads of text and images, one thing that NME does is a small View From Twitter box out - shows you're down with the kids and adds another point of entry to your page.