Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Welcome Year 12

Well done you for opting for A-level Media Studies.

This blog is designed for use for those in 12C - the class taught by the Dream Team of Mrs McGlone and Mr Howard. For 12B (Messrs Williams and Howard) get yourself to HERE.

We expect you to:

1) Provide a well‐organised folder to store and organise all work and bring it to
every lesson (see below on staying organised)
2) Keep your electronic files organised and accessible

3) Bring a USB memory pen to every lesson (the bigger the better: min 2gb)
4) Make detailed notes every lesson
5) Complete homework on time, to a suitable standard
6) Take responsibility for meeting all deadlines
7) Attend every lesson, on time
8) Be proactive in communicating with your teacher(s) e.g. if you have missed a lesson, have problems with work, or know you will be absent from a lesson

9) Check the blog and Twitter regularly: this will be our primary form of communication
with you
10) Return parental permission slips for borrowing equipment and responsible
ICT use, including the privilege of accessing YouTube in school

If you do not meet our expectations we will:
1) Discuss our concerns with you
2) Discuss our concerns with your parents and Mr Delaney
3) Set you targets to avoid having to remove you from the course
4) Make you pay for entry to exams
5) Remove you from the course and exam entry

Year 12 is a big jump from Year 11. You must become an independent learner who
takes responsibility for your own progress. We will provide you with endless links to
resources, articles, videos and research, but it is what YOU do with this that
matters. The more YOU put in the more you will get out of the course.

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